Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is the best time to book 3D?

    For 3D I recommend between 21-30 weeks. Baby hasn’t run out of room yet so we should be able to convince them to cooperate if needed! It also allows us some more time in case baby is very uncooperative and we need a revisit!!

  • When can I find out gender?

    I will do gender as early as 16 weeks with ultrasound. If you would like to find out earlier than 16 weeks we offer Sneak Peek Gender Reveal sessions which can be done as early as 6 weeks! If you’d like more info on that, you can find it here.

  • Which session can we find out gender?

    As long as baby is cooperative and you are 16+ weeks, I offer gender with all of my sessions! The only one that does not include gender would be my 2D Heart Beat Bear session.

  • I'm only 10 weeks, can I still book a session?

    Of course! I love seeing itty bitty little babies on the screen! I do recommend that we stay in the 2D sessions just because they are so small and we won’t see much in 3D. My favourite session to recommend for 10 weeks is the 2D Lite Session!

  • What should I do to prepare?

    Preparing for a session is really easy! There’s definitely things we can do to optimize how the session will go and all those tips and tricks can be found over here. The most important things is to up your water intake a few days before the session and then 10-15 minutes before your appointment have something cold and sweet! No full bladder needed!!

  • Can we keep the gender a secret?

    I will try my absolute best! If you’re coming in at 16 weeks, baby can be a squirmy little bean. I like to keep the screen off while I find gender and then once I am positioned so that baby isn’t showing us the “money shot” I will turn the screen on. Baby can move unpredictably but I try my best to remove the probe as soon as I see baby start to wiggle in a way we may see. If you’re still unsure, I can also keep the screen off for the entire session if you’d prefer!